Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Time for a Mojito in Habana

In Cuba we headed straight into Havana, having managed to get some money out on our credit card (more on this later) we found a casa familia to stay at and headed out for some live music and a mojito. Walking between a few different bars we soon found that live music can be found everywhere. The bands playing were excellent, however if you stayed around long enough you did start to realise that they were playing a set number of "tourist hits". Still good to listen to.

After talking to some musicians we went in search of some more music and dancing only to bump into Alexander - a Cuban music teacher. Lisa initially thought he was a taxi driver thanks to his classic car, but even though he wasn't he was happy to give us a lift to a very reasonably priced cabaret show. After plenty of beers, scantily clad dancing girls and live music we had a good insight into the real Cuba from our new friend. At the end of the night he was such a good friend that he offered to let Mike drive his car (given to him by his father many years ago) back to our place to drop us off. With only 3 gears and rusty old brakes it was about 30 seconds before control was headed back to someone sober and Cuban.

The next day was started with very salty omelettes and a trip on the tourist buses to Vinales in the North West of Cuba...

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