Thursday, 20 December 2007

Just in the Nic(aragua) of time

Leaving the guys at the airport, we headed to the bus station only to be told that the next bus to Nicaragua was either in three days, or Christmas day. However by hanging around and looking lost we managed to get last minute replacement seats on an international bus! Lucky Lucky!

Crossing the border through to Nicaragua was an interesting gameshow experience with the use of the traffic light system of checking bags, instead of checking everyone, each passenger presses a large button and if the massive light goes green you don't get checked, if it goes red you have to open up your bags. We both got green lights - WINNERS!

We got off the bus at the surfer town of San Juan del Sur. Full of "USA dudes" this little backwater town on the coast sucked us in for a couple of days in the baking Pacific heat, walking around the headland and taking time to enjoy a beer with one of the most amazing sunsets we have ever seen.

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