Thursday, 23 August 2007

Buenos Aires we love you!

European city that it is Buenos Aires is really cool. The Hostel turns out to be quite a good place to stay and drink and chat to people. We start off feeling a bit old but probably due to the jet-lag and having little energy. After our first Mctrip into town we head out to try and get a better feel for Argentina and manage to nearly get robbed by some Argentinians using the Bird Poo technique. Actually just BBQ sauce, but one rub too many of Mikee's crotch changed their minds. A lesson learned though - don't walk around a new continent with backpacks and gormless expressions on your face carrying a copy of the lonely planet and expect not to be a target.

Although we have read in the news that the temperature in South America was low, and that the have had snow - it still was quite a surprise to arrive into winter. Yes it is winter, Yes it is cold. No we didn't bring lots of warm clothes, no the flip-flops are not very useful, but we have adjusted now and are making the most of every layer.

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